private lessons
Do I need my own harp? Yes, students will need a harp to practice in between lessons. There are options for purchase or rental for a variety of budgets How much do I need to practice? It is important to maintain regular practice times several times throughout the week. Length of practice times will vary depending on age and musical level Do you teach online lessons? Yes, I do have the capability to teach online lessons. However, I only offer this option to students with a basic background in harp. I feel it is important for the teacher to be able to physically manipulate the beginner students hand position to encourage the development of proper technique |
Abigail has several years of teaching experience with students ranging in age from kindergarten to adult. She teaches in Bloomington Indiana from September-May and is currently accepting students for the 2020-2021 school year. Lessons are available for 30-minutes (suggested for young beginners) or 50-minutes (suggested for intermediate or adult beginners).
Teaching Focus:
Tone quality Hand position Reading music Care of the instrument Theory Practice techniques If you would like more information regarding lessons, please use the contact form or send me an email: [email protected]